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Plastic Pollution

We are surrounded by plastics. One way or another we use and throw plastic products on a daily basis even without realizing it. This video outlines how the consumption and disposal of plastics has a negative impact on the ocean and how it will lead to a greater crisis in the future. It also suggests ways through which people can reduce their plastic usage and contribute to making the ocean trash free. 


I started by researching the topic of plastic pollution in the ocean. I then summarised the information to focus mainly on statistics for the video. This is mainly because I wanted to create an infographic-style video. I then created two mood boards to decide on my typography style as well as my visual style. I then cut down my ideas to create two style frames that I could use for my video. 



Visual Style 

I wanted to stick to a blue and white color scheme which would include sea life as well as the different types of plastic in the ocean.



I wanted to use an infographic style making the video more interesting and easier to read. It would highlight the statistics to make a stronger impact on viewers. 

Style Frame 1

Illustration/Graphic Based


Style Frame 2

A more realistic approach

Plastic Pollution
Plastic Pollution
Plastic Pollution
Plastic Pollution
Plastic Pollution
Plastic Pollution
Plastic Pollution
Plastic Pollution
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